3 reasons why you may not be an effective “spontaneous speaker” and how to fix it | Best Public Speaking Course in Bangalore India

Here's what Samarth posted recently.

“I came to Bishal’s public speaking course to structure my presentations, improve my body language, and make sure that I deliver the content properly. I can happily say that I got all the three!” - Samarth Bharat

I love comments that my clients send me every day. One day I want to get a review like this from you too. :)

One of the biggest problems professionals tell me that they’re facing today is: Spontaneous Speaking.

They know what to say if they prepare, or if they’re an expert in the field. 

But if they’re asked to speak on a bit not-so-known topic or if they’re asked a question on-the-spot by a senior leader about something they may not be an expert in, their knees jerk. 

They lose ground. They lose control.

In fact recently I was doing a masterclass for 300 corporate leaders of IBM and asked: “What’s the biggest problem you’re facing in public speaking or communication?”

Majority of the people ranked these 2 problems.

1. Hesitation to speak about your NEW idea in front of a VERY senior leader.

2. Spontaneous speaking.

By the way if you run/manage/lead a large corporation and want my help in high-level speaking transformation for your leadership team, email Rahul@BishalSarkar.com and he will tell you about my availability & fee. It ranges between 15 to 95 Lacs depending of team size & duration. If it's doable, reach out to us. Happy to see if it's a good fit.

Back to the point. 

So here are 3 big mistakes most people make for which they’re not able to speak spontaneously.

Mistake #1: Thinking “one sentence at a time” instead of structuring the big picture. When speaking spontaneously, most professionals think one sentence at a time instead of planning what their point is going to be and how they’ll convince the audience (senior managers, clients, boss etc).

Mistake #2: Not practicing spontaneous speaking is another mistake. One of the things I do with my clients is I give them random topics to speak on. For example, I may give the topic “Nuclear power of India” to a chartered accountant and ask him to speak on it for 2 minutes. Or I may give “How entrepreneurs think” to a IT professional. See? I give different topics to practice with so they get comfortable with the uncomfortable.

Mistake #3: Not having any structure of template to follow when speaking impromptu. Yes, I do have a few formulas, frameworks & templates for speaking impromptu. Spontaneous speaking without a template is mind is kinda like driving without a destination. Makes sense?

If you're inside my program, I teach MANY framework to speak spontaneously. 

With these formulas & frameworks, you can speak on any topic any time in front of anyone…even without ANY preparation.

I’ve been teaching these frameworks for the last 10 years and results of my clients are stunning.

Can you imagine the kind of impact you’ll be making with your communication & presentation once you master this?

Can you imagine where your career is going to be once you become the ultimate confident speaker in your life?

Can you imagine the level of peace of mind you’ll go to sleep with once you know your family sees you as the ideal hero of their lives?


About the author: Bishal Sarkar, popularly known as “THE KING OF CONFIDENCE”, is called the best motivational speaker of Bangalore India. Bishal is the creator of “Present like a Champ Boot Camp” (The Best Public Speaking Course in Bangalore) where he teaches the participants the step-by-step easy-to-follow process of public speaking success. He regularly speaks to professionals, youth groups, corporate groups, and trains people from various walks of life and brings out the excellence within them. As the author of the book “I Love Public Speaking”, Bishal now teaches professionals how to overcome fear of public speaking and deliver powerful presentations using the proven formula of speaking & presentation success, through his public speaking courses & communication skills classes in Bangalore. He also helps aspiring speakers by teaching them How to become a motivational speaker in India. People say that he has designed the best presentation skills classes & public speaking workshops in Bangalore. For enrolling in Bishal Sarkar’s Best Public Speaking Course in Bangalore, call us on +91-88803-61526.


India’s Public Speaking Expert

www.BishalSarkar.com | +91-88803-61526

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